We are a non-profit organization run by volunteers whose purpose is to bring hope and draw smiles to as many children as possible in Latin America and the world. Since the year 2000, we have been committed to drawing smiles on the faces of our children, without any type of social, racial, or religious distinction. This happens through the support and promotion of basic education, access to basic medical care, and the development of value programs. and principles for life.
To achieve this, we focus on offering young people and adults the opportunity to participate in Social Projects, Educational Camps, Mission Trips, and Special Events. The purpose for this organization is to help children throughout Latin America and the other parts of the world to improve their quality of life and dream with a different future.
It is our goal to offer each child the opportunity to improve their quality of life, become a good human being, live with a purpose and help their neighbor.

Smiles es ...
Our Mission
Foundation Smiles is more than an event, a program, or an aid project, it is an experience that will change your way of seeing and valuing life. These expeirences, without a doubt will lead you to understand what is the true meaning and purpose for why you are in this world.
At SMILES, we know that we cannot solve the world's problems of poverty, hunger, and disease, but we are convinced that each person can make a difference in the fight against these social realities.
Knowing that each person has the ability to bring smiles to our children, Smiles has been created to give you the opportunity to use your hands, your skills, your talents, and resources to change the world of our children, one at a time.
Our Vision

No child be left without education.
All children come first.
Care for and protect each child.
Each child can make a change in their society.
Fight poverty through learning ones needs.
Educate Parents as the basis for social success.
Equip each child to be an excellent adult.
Our Objectives 2020-2025
Manage 4 schools with the educational philosophy of the Smiles Foundation.
Develop Smiles Virtual Schools: 500 students - 50 teachers - 5 countries.
Mobilize 5 ambassadors in each Latin American country.
Carry out 3 projects per year through Smiles Ambassadors: Back to School, Shoe Box, Children's Day.
Make 6 mission trips per year.
Locate 10 full-time missionaries in 4 countries to be determined.

When the toys wear out, the games end, and the food runs out… a smile will remain on that child's face.