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God does not miss what you do for Him

On many occasions we believe that what we do is not of great value, perhaps because no one realizes what you did with so much effort or perhaps because you did not receive a single compliment for the work you carried out.

We live in a world today where the work, effort or dedication that someone has to perform a certain job is no longer usually recognized. We are so used to a routine and sometimes we look like machines that we do everything by pure programming.

This morning when I asked God to give me a topic to write about, He put in my heart that there are many people who are doing work for the Lord and who are not being recognized, but at the same time I felt in my heart that He wants us to know that your work is not in vain and that He is watching your effort.

And that is the beauty of working for the Lord, that everything you do has a special value for Him, because He does value it, because He does see you and will surely reward you for your effort.

Quizá en ocasiones no recibirás ni siquiera un “gracias” por lo que estás haciendo, quizá no te dirán que estuvo bonito tu trabajo y en algunos casos ni siquiera notaran que tú fuiste parte de algo, pero sin embargo aunque para nosotros se nos escape tu trabajo o tu esfuerzo hay alguien que lo vio y que está contento por lo que hiciste. Perhaps sometimes you will not even receive a "thank you" for what you are doing, perhaps they will not tell you that your work was nice and in some cases they will not even notice that you were part of something, but nevertheless, although for us your work might pass us by there is someone who saw it and who is happy for what you did.

The bible reminds us of something important:

Whatever you do, do it willingly, as if you were serving the Lord Jesus Christ and not people. Because they already know that God will give them, as a reward, part of the inheritance that he has promised to his people. Remember that you serve Christ, who is your true owner. " - Colossians 3: 23-24 (Current Language Translation).

On many occasions I did some tasks for the Lord and I did not receive a thank you or a word that encouraged me to continue doing it, however I understood that what I do is not done to find favor or human approval, but rather to please the one who one day believed in me, the one who one day looked for me, called me, forgave me and gave me a new life.

Perhaps you are going through a moment of sadness when you see that nobody notices what you do for the Lord, however that does not mean that God is missing what you are doing for Him, in any way, God is aware of everything, for small that you think it is, He feels joyful to see you do it and that should be reason enough to continue serving Him, because you have to be sure of something and that is that you serve Him.

Today I want to encourage you to continue serving Him, to continue doing things for the Lord, that nothing discourages you, that nothing takes away the joy that God put in your heart, and that despite not receiving even a small recognition for your work, keep doing it Because you are not here to receive recognition, but rather to recognize through your work what God has already done for you, giving you life and life in abundance.

Today I want you to stop thinking about stopping doing what you do for the Lord, remove from your mind that what you do is not important, no matter how humble your service is, no matter how small you think your privilege is, keep doing it! Because if you are faithful in the little, God will put you in the much, nothing escapes Him, He is aware of every detail and is very happy to see how your life has changed and now you serve Him.

If man does not recognize your effort or your work for the Lord, do not worry! God has taken into account all that you have done, are doing and what you will do for Him, and He will reward you in due time for the effort, dedication and passion with which you serve him.

Written by Enrique Monterrosa.

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