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Project: The Shoe Box

We have set our goal to deliver 5,000 shoe boxes, in 10 countries.

Will you help us Draw Smiles in all of Latin America?

The Shoe Box, is yearly project carried out during the month of December, it consists of delivering to public schools or communities in need, gifts wrapped in shoe boxes, which include; school supplies, clothes, candy, and of course toys. Our goal behind this project goes beyond it just being box of gifts, which are just excuses to communicate with them, just how special they are and that they should work hard to have a better future.

Step One

"Sometimes we believe that what we do is simply just a drop in the sea, but the sea would be less if it was lacked that drop." -Madre Teresa de Calcuta

Identify the community, school or neighborhood that you would wish to impact with this project, based on the necessity and vulnerability of it. We suggest places where it can be tracked so that our plan to draw smiles can last a lifetime.

Step Two

Ask for permission or authorization to carry out the event in said community or school. Include the use of facilities and restrooms if necessary.

Establish a good relationship with authorities of the place to facilitate the development of the event, that way the likelihood of returning to hold more events in the future is possible.

Determine the schedule. Begin on time and finish at the established time, to respect the commitment already planned.

In many places the start time is vital for the program to be successful.

Step Three

"There is no better way to live, than serving."

Plan a a program with purpose, focused on the needs of the participants' ages and with defined objectives in mind.

You can include songs, educational games, deports, puppets, even a clown; with the purpose of making the children feel special and hopeful.

Step Four

Take time to meet the children and their parents. The trust of the families and their communities.

Identify names to pray, identify the needs for future events.

Explore the possibility to continue serving those families. Plan another event with the objective of following up and producing a change in their lives.

Project: Step by Step

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